to Retirement
In a recent article in the Sydney Morning Herald titled “Job
Boom for baby boomers” it was reported that from 2017 the
qualifying pension age will increase every two years so that
by 2023 it will be 67 years of age (October 10, 2010). [more]
at Work
“Diversity” is a word that is often used in workplaces but is rarely
understood by people. Diversity has a broad meaning and is more than supporting
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) [more]
for a Move to Aged
Convincing elderly loved ones to move from the comfort of the home they've known
for many years into an assisted living situation can be one of the toughest hurdles
for families and friends to face. Danielle Robertson discusses how best to go
about initiating this difficult process. [more]
the Office
While many companies continue to photocopy one-sided on virgin white paper, drink
water from polystyrene cups, buy energy inefficient equipment and have no paper
recycling system in place, leading edge organisations are taking steps to green
their offices. [more]
When is the best time to have a child? How will it fit with your lifestyle and
what impact will it have on your career? Is having a child before the age of
25 advisable when your career is perhaps still in its infancy but your fertility
is at a premium, or is it better to wait until your 30s, as more people are choosing
to do, when career paths and bank balances are likely to be more established. [more]
to effectively manage
an outbreak of head
lice in your family. [more]
Sane While Working
from Home
from home may seem
like the ideal solution
for those seeking some
flexibility around
how, when and where
they work. Some of
us find that working
from home results in
greater productivity
from the time we save
by spending less time
commuting to and from
work, and less interruptions
that we have in the
office. [more]
Teen Depression
we look at two
programs to help
families and
teens combat
Technology has probably played a large role in your ability to work effectively
flexibly. Likewise, technology can play a large role in ensuring those that work
flexibly have access to the best in training and development. [more]
when working part-time
Whether you work full or part-time, there are many times during our career where
our motivation levels can be less than fantastic.[more]
coaching for parents
with teenagers
- Part Two
two of our series
of articles that
will assist with
tools and strategies
to help teens find
meaning, purpose
and direction?[more]
balance and the
seems that every
day we hear more
gloom and doom
from economic experts
regarding the future
direction of world
economies. If the
majority of these
experts are to
be believed we
are headed into
tough economic
times, perhaps
the worst the world
has ever seen.
So if they are
right what does
this mean to the
Australian workplace
landscape and in
particular the
new National Employment
Standards proposed
for 2010 [more]
coaching for parents
with teenagers
- Part One
you wanting to
support and guide
your teenager in
their career planning?
Is your teenager
struggling to find
a career path?
Do you want some
tools and strategies
to assist them
in finding meaning,
purpose and direction? [more]
business in other
the ins and outs of
doing business across
cultures is widely
recognised as having
a huge impact on sales,
recruitment, acquisitions,
marketing, mergers
and management. The
smallest blunder, no
matter how innocent,
could have a major
negative impact on
people and business
relations. [more]
want to look
like them…..
the pressure
to be perfect
As well
as dealing with the
pressures of their
peers, many girls (and
women) are influenced
by the seemingly perfect
appearance of others
presented relentlessly
in the media. Perhaps
if they realised 95%
of images they see
have been digitally
altered, they would
be less demanding of
themselves to conform
to such unrealistic
standards. [more]
independent kids
is often said that
parents should work
themselves out of their
job: that the ultimate
goal for parents is
to become redundant.
While parents’ love
and support will always
be valuable throughout
their children’s
lives, it is vital
that young people develop
the capacity to manage
life for themselves
in a robust and resilient
manner. [more]
a little respect...Golden
rules for first-time
to De Backman-Hoyle,
director of Inspired
Workforce Performers,
one of the biggest
mistakes new managers
make – regardless
of their age – is
in thinking a manager
requires a different
profile of a person,
such as being a disciplinarian. [more]
do you want to do?
A simple but scary
question when you are
15 or 16 years old.
Every student planning
to undertake a course
of study in years 11
or 12 has had to consider
this question, even
if they don’t
yet know the answer.
In many ways, it really
is the wrong question
to ask, but more of
that later. [more]
Out 9 to 5
Workplace fitness
centres are booming
across corporate Australia.
According to a recent
poll by global market
research Angus Reid,
employee fitness centres
are one of the top
three amenities employees
are requesting. [more]
One of the most
valuable skills we
can develop is resilience.
The ability to bounce
back from set backs
is central to our health
and success in both
work and personal life. [more]
of Kindness
can't all be like Bill
Gates, the billionaire
American software entrepreneur
who donates large amounts
of money to charitable
organizations and scientific
research programs.
Not everyone has a
few billion dollars
to spare, although
few people are without
the capacity to give. [more]
in the Workplace
Why are some
people able to sell
ice to Eskimos, while
others appear to be
at war when they are
putting their view
forward? Influencing,
like many other interpersonal
skills is part art
and part science. Certainly,
some people are born
with natural charisma;
however the majority
of us need to understand
the steps and principles
that make us truly
influential. [more]
Schools traditionally
have focused most
attention and importance
on verbal-linguistic
and logical-mathematical
intelligence. However
in recent years,
we have recognised
that other abilities
are important. [more]