Walk the Walk
Walking is one of the best forms
of moderate exercise - it is free and almost anyone can
do it.
Dr Armstrong, an expert in heart
disease risk factors at the Institute of Health and Welfare
in Canberra, says to get the health benefits from walking,
it has to be brisk, not a stroll. "It's something
more than a stroll and less than a jog - a purposeful walk
is one way I like to put it," he says.
"It's something where you notice
your heart rate is just a little raised, you have a slight
increase in breathing and on a warm day, most people would
sweat a little. "We're not talking about jogging, or puffing
or panting."
The good news for busy working
parents is that you don't have to get your daily 30-minute
dose of moderate activity in one lot. You can accrue
the 30 minutes in blocks, say of 10 minutes.
Break it Up
Dr Armstrong says that while
the medical evidence for the health benefits of doing the
30 minutes in short blocks is not as strong as the evidence
for moderate exercise generally, it's a good way to get
people to think about being active every day.
"When people think about allocating
30 minutes they think, 'Right, I've got to put on my gym
shoes and do some exercise, rather than thinking 'If
I walk down to the shops and back, there's 10 minutes and
I'm still getting my chore done' ,'' Dr Armstrong
"Or walk to school if you can.
Or the old cliché, get off the bus three stops early
and walk 10 minutes to work, and if you work in an office
with stairs, walk the stairs." To be most effective, you
should do regular moderate activity throughout the week.
A long hike on the weekend and
very little during the week is not as effective. Long weekend
walks are better than nothing, Dr Armstrong says, but a "two-hour
walk once a week is not as good as three 20-minute walks
on different days".
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