5. Dress Sense
most difficult stage of pregnancy as far as your wardrobe
goes is late in the first trimester when you begin bursting
out of your tailored corporate wardrobe, but you're not
big enough to start wearing maternity suits .
You may not have even announced your pregnancy to your
colleagues yet.
Try wearing less tailored
clothes, such as skirts with elastic waists, smart pants
a size up and smart shirts that can be worn on top. Jackets
are invaluable during pregnancy, over everything, to
keep a semi-corporate and professional look. In a few
weeks it will be time to move into maternity clothes.
Loose clothing is far more comfortable
to work in. There is a fantastic range of pregnancy
fashion available now, and it is worth investing in at
least a skirt, pair of pants and a couple of tops for
work. If you dress smartly at work - while perhaps letting
loose and flaunting your new shape on the weekends -
you will maintain a feeling of professionalism throughout
your Pregnancy.
6. Medical Appointments
During your pregnancy you will need to
attend several medical appointments. This can get pretty
tricky when you haven't broken the news about being pregnant
yet. Try to schedule appointments for first thing
in the morning or last thing in the afternoon or lunchtime.
7. Faintness and/or Headaches
Dizzy spells and light-headedness
are common in early pregnancy. The problem is made worse
in hot, stuffy rooms. Talk to someone in the office about
the air conditioning and if you are stuck in a hot, stuffy
meeting room and feel faint, excuse yourself to get some
fresh air.
Headaches are also common in early pregnancy.
If you feel a tension headache come on, it's your body
telling you that you need to have a break. Take
a quick walk outside if you can and get plenty of rest
after work.
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