your job requires you to travel interstate or overseas,
being pregnant shouldn't hinder you. You can travel by
air up to 28 weeks of pregnancy. From 28-34 weeks, the
airline may require a doctor's certificate stating your
fitness to travel.
After 34 weeks, air travel is
restricted. If you are travelling somewhere
that requires vaccinations, discuss this first with your
doctor. Travel may make you a little more tired, but
try to make the most of the time alone in flight.
9. Active Baby
It's pretty difficult
to concentrate in an important meeting when bubs decides
to wake up and have a light rugby match. The movements
that start out as light butterfly flutters from around
18 weeks, become fully-ledged summersaults and kick-boxing
late in pregnancy.
Rest assured, some deep breathing
and gentle hands on your stomach may help settle baby
down and you can keep your mind on the agenda.
10. Organise Maternity Leave
As soon as you have told your colleagues
about your pregnancy, you need to talk to your boss or
human resources department about your maternity leave requirements. Australia
provides up to 52 weeks unpaid leave , if you
have been in your job full-time or part-time for at least
12 months by the time your baby is due.
If you have been in your job less than
a year, it depends on the local award or agreement or your
employer's discretion. You need to give your employer
notice in writing about your intention to take maternity
leave at least 10 weeks before your date, and a month's
notice is required before your return to work.
You need to make your
maternity leave as smooth as possible for your employer
as well as meeting your own needs. Think about when you
would like to finish work before your baby arrives, bearing
in mind that you will need plenty of rest in your final
few weeks.
You will also need time
at home to prepare for your new baby and give in to a
few 'nesting instincts' that are bound to strike later
in your pregnancy.
Think too about how long you plan to stay
at home with your baby before returning to the office.
Now is the time to explore childcare options. 