Reduce Stress
is nothing like impending motherhood to place your world
into perspective. Your commitment to work now has to be
shared with the need to look after yourself and your growing
baby. Reducing stress is extremely important during pregnancy.
Recent studies suggest that stress
during pregnancy can have a damaging effect on your baby's
health in later life. The level of stress needs
to be excessive to do any harm, but reducing all kinds
of stress is a good idea. Most jobs carry some stress
and we wouldn't be achieving much without it, but pay
close attention to your diet and make an effort to exercise
several times a week to help counter the effects of a
stressful job.
Take time out from work, from family,
even from a busy social life. Slow down during your pregnancy
and enjoy time to yourself and your baby. Take a yoga class;
take a walk each day; or simply put your feet up and listen
to your favourite music for at least one hour each day.
4. Dealing with Colleagues
No matter how in control
you like to think you are, mood swings do happen during
pregnancy. You can feel on top of the world one minute
and want to break down and cry when there are no biscuits
left in the kitchen the next.
Mood swings are caused by mysterious pregnancy
hormones and can spring up on you unannounced. Try to keep
your calm at work at all times. Go out for a walk
or distance yourself by making a phone call if you're feeling
distressed. Try not to let inevitable mood changes
give anybody in the office an excuse to label you irrational.
Don't talk about the details
of your pregnancy at work. Remain professional and you
will be treated with respect throughout your nine months.
Unfortunately, there are some who believe a pregnant
woman is public property.
Don't be afraid to let people know that
remarks about your pregnancy are not appropriate and that
to touch your stomach is unacceptable.
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