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Coping with Pregnancy Symptoms and Work

Constant cravings


Fatigue, strange cravings, mood swings, backache… somehow you must uphold your natural work persona while easing into pregnancy. 

Here are 10 keys to coping with pregnancy symptoms at work :

1. Nausea 

'Morning sickness' can strike at any time of the day. It's often worse in the mornings after a night of fasting, and is exacerbated by fatigue. Morning sickness is the most difficult symptom to keep at bay at work. 

Make sure you set off with a good breakfast and lots of healthy snacks for during the day. First thing in the morning, break your fast with some dry biscuits and herbal tea. Try to eat several small meals a day rather than three big ones. Eating frequently will stop your blood sugar levels sinking so low that you eat sugar-laden snacks. 

You should include some protein, carbohydrates and healthy oils in your meals. Salad sandwiches, soup, fruit smoothies, vegetable juices, dry, wholegrain biscuits and fruit and nuts all make good snacks in office hours. Keep a stash in your desk drawer to nibble when nausea hits. 

Resist the temptation to snack on junk food, as this may make nausea worse. Drink herbal teas while at work, making a conscious effort to limit your intake of caffeine, which can also make nausea worse. 

In moderation, ginger, chamomile, peppermint, lemon and raspberry may all help counter nausea. Take an oil burner to work and burn lavender, spearmint, lemon and bergamot to create a pleasant aroma and help offset offensive smells that trigger nausea.

2. Fatigue 

Being pregnant means incredible changes for you and your body. Every moment of every day your body is at work developing a new life. Is it any wonder that you feel tired all the time? 

The first trimester is usually when you'll feel the most fatigued. It may also be difficult to concentrate. It will be a tiredness you won't have experienced before. You may feel like lying down and going to sleep at any time of the day. Your body is telling you to rest as much as you can, when you can. 

Keep light snacks, especially fruit, handy to give you a lift at work. The best solution is to rest as soon as you are home from work . After a healthy, light supper, go to bed and try to get the extra hours you need to get you through the next day. You will find the fatigue will ease after the first trimester. You'll be full of energy in the middle months, while in the last six weeks you may begin to feel tired again.

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