Day Care provides an alternative to centre based care
by placing the child in the home of a carer. Family Day
Care is administered by the Department of Community Services
(DOCS). And conducted through state Family Day Care Associations.
The first step in sourcing Family
Day Care is to attend an interview. Before your interview
with the scheme, try to have an idea of what type of carer
you'd like for your little person. Be sure to sight any
references of who will be caring for your little person
and m ake a list of questions/concerns so you can discuss
them at your next interview with the carer. Remember, effective
communication between parent, child and carer at all times
is vital.
Following are some questions
you can ask to see if Family Day Care is right for your
- Are there animals at the home?
- Will there be other people in the house
when your little person is in care?
- Hours of care - flexibility.
- Is there outings e.g. playgroup, shopping,
visiting the library?
- What does the parent provide for the
child's day/week?
- Fees -when to pay, how? Cash? Cheque?
- How many other children in carers home?
- Does the carer hold child care qualifications?
- Would they be able to have siblings
after school, school holidays, pupil free days?
- Does the carer work over Christmas?
- How many weeks holidays does the carer
- Is there air conditioning?
- Open door policy can you call in any
- Is there an orientation process for
new children & parents?
- Are the children happy and friendly?
- Does the carer interact with the children
in a positive manner?
- Look long term into day care, try to
anticipate your future needs
- How long has the carer been working
for FDC?
- Are cultural differences recognised
and respected?
- Communication breakdowns -with whom
do you discuss this issue?
- Are there any planned daily activities
for the children based on their developmental levels?
- Are the daily programme and developmental
records accessible to parents at any time?
- Will your child's individual needs
be met?
- Are the services policies available
to you? E.g. hygiene, behaviour management.
- What are the procedures for the handling
of dummies, bottles, formula and breast milk?
- Do the routines (e.g. nappy change,
toileting, rest time) meet the individual children's
- Where do the children sleep and on
- Do they pat the children at rest time
if unsettled?
- How are separation difficulties handled?
- Is the outside environment shady, safe
and challenging?
- How are special diet needs met?
- What happens if children will not eat?
- Is the child allowed to take a security
toy or blanket?
- What is the carers procedure in administering
- If my child spikes a temperature what
is their procedure?
- If my child has an accident what procedure
do they follow?
Contact Details
Home Based Care Central Office
02 97162222
Family Day Care Association
of NSW 02 95522398
