you are concerned about your elderly parents and how long
they will be able to remain in their own home,
it is time to look at the options available and help
them plan their future .
Even if they are fit and
active, they may be thinking of moving into somewhere
smaller and easier to manage, or buying into a retirement
village, so they will not have to move again in a few
Consider all available options
and your parents' own personal priorities.
- Are they happy
in their own home and just need extra help with housework
or gardening?
- Do they want to
be closer to family and friends?
- Do they need more
companionship or more activities?
deciding to move, check what services are available in
your area to help older people remain in their own homes.
Local councils provide a range of support services to
enable residents to continue living in their own homes.
These include Home Help, Meals on Wheels, transport and
other Home and Community Care (HACC) services.
You can also get help
with home repairs and modifications needed to help people
stay in their own homes, such as installing hand rails,
safety ramps, widening doorways, changing light bulbs
and repairing looks. These are available to those eligible
for Home Care and Home Modification and Maintenance projects.
If living alone, particularly as a single
person, is no longer a good option, there are several other
options, from the retirement village to the nursing
home . With the agreement of your parents, a government-funded
Aged Care Assessment Team will assess the level
of care needed and help you link up with suitable home
care or arrange residential care.
Levels of Care
There are several options
for those who decide to move out of their own home. The
choice is between the different levels of care provided
with the accommodation.
One option is to choose a retirement village
with a hostel and nursing home on site. This means that,
if the resident of the village becomes frail or sick, she
is able to move into the hostel or nursing home, for additional
care, without having to leave her environment or her new
