The term residential aged care facilities describe hostels and nursing homes.
Hostels provide low-level care. Nursing homes provide high-level residential
care. Hostels
Hostels suit those
people who need some personal care, but are not in need
of nursing or special equipment. They are similar to
serviced apartments, where meals, cleaning and laundry
are supplied.
Some personal care,
such as help with showering and dressing, is also provided.
Hostels receive some government funding. If you want
to pay for hotel-style services, these " extra service facilities" are
sometimes available, at an additional cost.
Nursing Homes
Nursing homes suit those who
need a higher
level of care, because they are frail or sick
or need special equipment to manage their daily lives.
They provide specialised equipment, nursing, medication
and therapy at no extra charge. This is the only level
of care where continence aids are provided free, as part
of the service.
Some retirement villages have a nursing
home, and/or hostel, on site.
