Safety in the home is extremely important especially if you have children or
elders who live or regularly visit your home.
So we have put together a list of items that you might like to consider to help
you safety proof your home.
As a suggestion you could conduct a safety
audit of your home using the lists we have provided.
The Interior
- Childproof latches on all cupboards and
- Cords on blinds, drapes and electrical
appliances out of reach.
- Power points - consider electric outlet
- Gates to block stairs, balconies and decks.
Decks should have a safety seal.
- Cushioned corner covers to protect sharp
corners on tables, bech tops etc.
- V C R lock- protects videos from foreign
objects and little fingers.
- Window guards for large windows -do not
put on fire exits.
- Laminated glass for large exposed windows.
- Check your hot water temperature
- 50 celcius is the recommended safety limit
for water coming out of the tap for young children.
Most modern hot water systems can be adjusted. Or you
could consider getting a professionally installed thermostatic
mixing valve to control your water temperature.
- Ensure taps are set high out of children's
- Installation of smoke alarms- make sure
that you read the instruction for the proper maintenace
of the smoke alarm. Don't forget to change the battery
on a regualar basis.
- Matches and lighters- ensure that you
purchase childproof products and keep them away from
children's reach.
- Maintain dryers- regularly clean lint
filters and ensure proper ventilation.
- Storeage of household chemicals- Don't
just rely on cupdboard locks to protect your child
from chemicals. Consider storing chemicals appropriately
and out of reach.
- Children's play equipment- A regular check
of children's toys is essential, both in and out of
the home. Don't forget to make regular checks of children's
toy boxes.
- Electrical Circuits
Residual current devices [safety switches] should be
installed on all circuits to reduce risk of shock
and electrocution around the home. Ideally all power
outlets should be positioned out of children's reach.
The Exterior
Children's Play Equipment
- A regular check of children's toys is
essential, of both inside and outside equipment.
- Correct safety gear for ride on toys -
helmets, elbow and kneepads.
Outdoor Play Areas
A fence should securely enclose these areas with self-closing spring gate from
the front of the house, street, carport, [garage and car manoeuvring area.
Fences and gates should be made difficult for small children to climb - vertical
slats are better than horizontal ones.
Heaters/BBQ's/Hot Drinks & Beverages
- Take care with hot drinks near children,
they can get severely burnt through scolding water.
- Store flammable liquids in labelled containers
away from children's reach.
- Guard all types of fires with caution.
- Open fires and outdoor fires should have
a safety guard around them and children should only
wear category 1 or 2 sleepwear flame resistant fabric
- close fitting design.
- Children should be supervised near fires
[all types] at all times.
- Have a fire extinguisher handy at all
can be tempting objects. Consider securing trailers and
storing them in an area that children cannot access.
Sheds/Garages -
should be fitted with a lock.
chemicals - storage areas should be
fitted with a lock
Swimming Pools
- A high proportion of drowning occurs with
visitors to the home.
- When gardening ensure the pool fence is
not left propped open.
- Pool fencing must comply with the Australian
safety standards; the fence should isolate the pool
and prevent direct access from the house.
- The interior of cars can get extremely
hot both in summer and winter. Be mindful of leaving
children in cars even for short periods.
- Many accidents occur when cars are reversing
in driveways. If possible have an adult spotter helping
you to reverse when children are around.
