for a present for a child to-day can be like stepping into
a mine field, there is a huge range of toys out there to
choose from.
When choosing a toy as a gift, you may be guided by the recommended age on
the manufacturers packaging or by asking the childs parents if they have any
idea of what the child would appreciate.
To help you with the task of
selecting a gift, we have put together a list of toys you
may find as a good starting point. There are many categories
of toys here are a few:
- Action Toys
- Dolls
- Soft Toys
- Games and Cards
- Jigsaw puzzles
- Toy Vehicles
- Blocks
- Electronic Hand Held Games
- Outdoor Water Games
- Sports equipment
- Children's accessories
- Arts and Crafts
Be Aware of Top Sellers
From time to time fads
develop through marketing of the latest movie productions
or collectable toys or cards. Hot sellers change constantly
and are frequently advertised. Some toys are desirable
due to their special features such as moving and speaking
dolls, t alking and singing toys or w eird and wacky
toys. Following is a more comprehensive list
of toys categorised by age which you may find helpful.
Gift Ideas for Girls/ Boys to 3 years
Birth to 3 months
3 months and over
- Soft coloured balls
- Activity balls
- Activity centre
- Books - hard, soft, thick, thin
6 months and over
- Tap time piano
- Scooter bug
- Nesting / stacking games
- Bath Toys
- Rolling mirror
- Baby bowling skittles
- Shape sorters
- Jingle bare roller
- Building blocks
- Shape sorter – colourful
shapes used for sorting and stacking
- Dolls, soft, hard
- Balls
12 months and over
- Duplo
- Cars, Trucks, Trains,
- Stacking cups
- Xylophone
- Sandpit toys
18 months and over
- Puzzles
- Thick crayons / textures /chalk/ coloured
- Pounding bench – including
- Garage play set matching colour of
keys to the colours of the car
- Strollers/prams
- Trikes/cars
- Garden Tools
- Wheel barrows
- Paint easel paints and brushes
2 years and over
- Threading
shapes / cotton reels
- Nuts and bolts
- Scissors
- Play dough
- Sorting box – logical
thinking and classification game
- Golf sets
Gift Ideas for Girls and
Boys 3-5 years
- Tea set
- Magic play board
- Torch
- Electronic Turbo dashboard
- Tree house
- Construction team
[building a bridge with construction workers
trucks and road signs]
- Mini Megaphone
- Thomas the Tank Engine
- Cast and Count Fishing Set
- Farmyard Set
- Dress up clothes [Snow
White, Spiderman etc]
- Hats and Masks, bags and shoes
- Animals, Farm, Reptiles, Sea Life,
Zoo Animals, Wildlife
- Play dough, rolling
pins, dough cutters, dough stamps, dough, scissors
- Games, Lotto set,
card games, sorting and classifying
- Puzzles
- Construction sets [workmen, dump trucks,
signs, signals]
- Shopping aids, Cash register, bakery
treats, shopping trolley, play fruit and vegetables,
- Grand Prix racing
sets, cars, bikes, drivers, TV camera, pit
- Ironing board – iron
- Dump trucks, Loaders,
- Lawn mowers, wheelbarrows, garden
tools, watering cans
- Cars which children
can sit in
- Petrol pump
- Activity gym centre
- Sand boxes with lid
- Sand toys, buckets, spades, water
wheels, scoops, sieves, and moulds
- Puzzle clocks / clocks which help
teach children the time
- School readiness kits, reading kits,
sounds poster
- Mix n' match alphabet
- Mix n' match word
and sentences games
- Lego building blocks
