Cheryl Wright, executive officer
of the Heart Foundation's Physical Activity Program, says
regular moderate activity can help parents cope
with the daily stresses of work and home, giving them more
energy .
"People notice that if they
go for a walk at lunchtime, which is not a hard thing to
do, they can deal with things better," Ms Wright says.
"A colleague said to me that
since she's been walking at lunchtime - and she's not huffing
and puffing, just walking moderately, she's feeling a lot
better and more energetic and able to finish the day more
easily, even though she then goes home to quite a big workload."
If you want to have the health
benefits of moderate activity and lose weight at the same
time, Dr Armstrong says 30 minutes a day of brisk walking
will help keep you healthy but it won't slim you down.
"The best study on walking shows
that it's about an hour of brisk walking a day to lose
weight, plus a reduction in calories." Dr Armstrong urges
parents to look for opportunities to include physical
activity in their day .
Activity with Children
"One of the things we try and
promote, especially among parents, is to engage
in physical activity with the kids ," he says. "So
instead of perhaps watching television with them, depending
on their age, maybe take them to the park, walk them to
school, just look at ways to be active with the kids."
And the health benefits of moderate
activity kick in quickly. "Even in older people, 70 years
plus, within three weeks of beginning a very moderate gentle
exercise program, we see a reduction in cholesterol levels
and blood pressure, and this happens in all age groups," Dr
Armstrong says. "It's never too late to start." Are you
ready for that walk now?
The National Heart Foundation's
Cheryl Wright says people should try to be more active
every day and take advantage of all opportunities for activity.
She says:
- Think of movement as an opportunity
not an inconvenience.
- Be active every day in as many ways
as you can.
- Put together at least 30 minutes
of moderate-intensity physical activity on most or
all days of the week.
- If you can, also do some regular
vigorous exercise for extra health benefits.
