Some experts suggest that
you draw up a "contract" with your teenager; a brief
sample appears below.
Sample Safe Driving Contract
will not speed and I will never drive without a seatbelt.
I will never drink and drive, nor will I enter a car where
the driver has been drinking or using drugs. If I am in
doubt about my safety, I will take alternative transport
or call you for help.
will drive you ourselves, or pay your fare, when you feel
that driving is unsafe. We will also obey speed limits,
avoid drink driving, and wear seatbelts. Finally, we will
also take alternative transport when driving is unsafe.
Signatures of Teenager and Parents
As you can see, both you and your teenager
will have obligations. For example, if you want credibility,
you will need to set an example for your teenagers and
forego alcohol before driving. Credibility also demands
that you take away driving privileges should your teenager
not live up to the terms of the contract.
What Else Can You Do?
- Practice makes perfect. Give teenagers as much supervised
driving training as possible before and after they get
their licenses.
- Teach your teenager about "designated drivers" (who
agree not to drink and to provide transport
for others). Ask who the designated driver is whenever
your teenager goes to a venue where alcohol
may be served.
- Insist that your teenager wear a seatbelt. And, to
be extra safe, choose cars fitted with airbags.
- Try to avoid "muscle" cars-teenagers
and high-performance cars can be a deadly
- Studies in the Journal of Safety
Research show that accidents increase when
teenage drivers and their friends travel together,
especially at night.
if you do not use a graduated driving program, forbid
passengers until your teenager has had plenty of experience.
Suggest to your teenagers that they consult
teenage driving tips on the Internet. One of the most complete
is the Teen New Drivers' Homepage located at: