got my driver's license!" Five
words that parents dread hearing. They fear for their
teenager's safety-and with good reason.
Research published in the journal Accident
Analysis and Prevention has found that teenagers drive
faster and are less skilful than more experienced drivers.
This is why teenagers need parental guidance and discipline
(even though they may not know it). The statistics are
- Teenage male drivers are involved
in 40% of all fatal car accidents.
- Car accidents are the leading
cause of death among teenagers.
- Teenage drivers are more likely to be in a fatal car
crash than any other age group.
is an important issue for parents, but remember that
a driver's license also has benefits. Driving helps teenagers
gain self-esteem and independence.
It is also an important "rite of passage" from
youth to adulthood. The challenge for parents is
to permit their children to mature while also recognising
their continuing need for guidance.
The following article
describes ways of helping your teenager to become a responsible
driver. Remember, there is no perfect solution to bringing
up children. Consider the ideas described here in the
light of your own family situation and choose the ones
that work for you.
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