may have noticed that temper tantrums are an extreme
method toddlers tend to use to display their displeasure.
The temper tantrum can
be one of the most difficult situations a toddler's parent
can face.
There really isn't a lot you can do to stop a toddler from getting into full
swing so usually the best cause of action is to ride it out. Things you should
do when a tantrum is being thrown are:
- Ensure the area where the tantrum
is taking place is safe.
- Leave them alone by ignoring
them discreetly always keeping them in sight.
- When they have finished their display, pick them up
and give them a cuddle.
tantrums can be a one off thing or some little people
do it more often and can throw an excellent tantrum.
What do you do if they
decide to throw one when you have arrived at your childcare
There are two courses
of action you can take, staying with them or leaving
them to it. If you decide to stay, try to distract them,
take them outside and talk about the sky, planes, flowers,
When they are calmer,
sit and read them a story, do a puzzle etc, tell them
you are leaving after the story/puzzle. Hand your child
over to their carer and ask them to keep an eye on them.
Leave as quickly and calmly as possible
and ring the service when you get to work to be sure your
child has settled down. If it is out of character for your
child to throw a temper tantrum ask the carer to monitor
them and keep in touch.
