school aged children are extremely busy little people.
Their play is their work and can be quite taxing on their
bodies. This combined with early morning starts mean that, for
many, a sleep during the day is essential .
At times getting them to understand this
fact is another story altogether. Isn't it strange that
t he more they need a sleep, then the more the
amount of resistance to closing their eyes increases? This
problem is sometimes compounded in a childcare situation
where the environment is more foreign. A child who sleeps
well in her own bed may not be able to be comfortable enough
to sleep in another situation.
When considering rest requirements for
your child, a few guidelines need to be remembered:
A child's sleep requirement will vary
as they grow and develop. All children are different -
some require more sleep than others of the same age. Be
guided by your child's needs. Older children, 4 to 5 years
old - may not require a sleep in the middle of the day
but do require a quite time.
Children thrive on routine, it gives them
security in the knowledge of what happens when and what
their role is. Therefore it is important to develop with
your carer and partner a manageable routine and ensure
that it is adhered to as much as possible.
