Party Games
simple games - older children will tend to make up their
own fun
Have a few games up your sleeve - especially for smaller children who need
Get your child involved - ask your child what they would like to do or play
Plan games that are age appropriate. Eg pin the tail on the donkey, jumping
castles are not always appropriate for 2 year olds
Be prepared that not all of the children will want to join in or get involved.
All little people are different.
Treasure Hunt
Before the party
mum and dad hide such things as fun size choclates, lollies
and little toys matchbox cars, pretend jellerwy etc in
secret places around the house and garden. Remember to
keep track of how many prizes you hide in case you have
to hint where they are. This game can also be played
with a time limit.
Musical Chairs
Make a circle with chairs.
There should be one less chair than the number of children
at the party. When the music starts the children skip or
walk around the chairs and when the music stops everyone
sits down. The child without a chair drops out. Remove
a chair and start the music again. The game continues until
only two players are left competing for the last chair.
Hot Potato
Children sit in a
circle and pass around a potato as the music plays. When
the music stops the child holding the potato (cold) is taken out of the cirlce.
The winner is the last on lef tin the game.
Pass the Parcel
Prepare the parcel
beforehand a prize wrapped in layers and layers of newspaper
or butchers paper. The children sit round in a circle and pass the parcel
to each other as the music plays. When the music stops, the child holding
the parcel can unwrap one layer. The musoic starts again and the passing
continues. Eventually the last layer of wrapping is unwrapped leaving the
winner holding the prize. For very young children place a sweet between
each layer or scatter smaller prizes throughout the sheets
of wrapping.
Potato/Egg and Spoon Race
Give every child a hard boiled
egg or a small potato and a spoon they must hold the egg
or potato balanced on the spoon while running from a start
line to a finish line. To make this game more difficult
for older children make a rule that if they drop their
egg/potato they must put it back on the spoon and go back
to the start line.
Teddy Bear Race
Children line
up on all fours at a start line. Place a teddy bear on
each childs back. This must be carried to a finish line
without falling off. If a teddy falls the child must
pick it up and return to the start line and begin again.
The first child over the finish line is the winner.
Children dance about as music
plays. When the music stops all children must immediately
sit down or freeze in the position they are in and remain
as still as statues. Anyone who moves at all is out.
The last child left is the winner.
Outsourcing your party
- Consider hiring toys, cars etc
from a toy library. Some toy libraries deliver and
pick up
Plaster fun parties
- Mobile services will come to
your home popular with 4 and 5 year olds (boys and
- Some children will require supervision
and help
- Can be messy so avoid wearing good
party clothes
- Smocks are provided
- Party runs for
a set time
Clowns & Fairies
- Be aware that smaller children
may be afraid
Jumping Castles
- Not always ideal for smaller
