at a toddler's stage of life, to them, fashion
is extremely important. The look they wish to
carry through the day is often totally opposite to the
style of clothes you have selected - clothes that are suited
to the impending day of play and arts and crafts. A pink
tutu with bright yellow socks and a lime green top can
be considered by the little person as being de rigueur
in the world of day care and no amount of persuasion can
tell them otherwise.
Perhaps these fashion disasters are best
left ignored, haven't we all made mistakes when it comes
to dress? It may be better to implement strategies
to decrease the likelihood of this happening in the future.
Instead of having a challenge on your
hands when you are attempting to leave the house for the
day you could perhaps try:
- Packing away
out of season clothes - out of sight, out
of mind.
- Get your child
to choose their outfit the night before,
limiting their choice.
- Have a limited
selection of clothes they only wear to care.
- When buying
new clothes have your child choose some outfits
to be only worn to daycare.
- If they insist
on wearing a character costume it is advisable
to check with your service regarding their
- Perhaps suggest they conduct a dress up day.
Leaving the house in the morning is a
hectic time and anything you can do to reduce the likelihood
of interruption to your schedule is important in achieving
a successful balance between work and home.
