filled with trepidation, the first months of your baby's
life can be very exciting and at the same time extremely
Julia O'Brien takes
a look at living with your first baby and dispels some
myths along the way.
When I was having my first baby I read
voraciously. By the time my son was born there wasn't anything
I did not know...except of course nearly everything. There
is no substitute for experience and second time around
motherhood has been a lot less stressful.
These are the things that I did not know
that I wish I had known - most of them involve not feeling
guilty and insecure for most of the time.
- There is no need to feel guilty about using disposable nappies -
the jury is still out on which type of nappy is the most
environmentally sound. Disposables may mean the difference
between coping and not coping - particularly in the early
days after the birth. The same applies (later) to buying
tins and jars of baby food. Remember, a happy 'adequate'
mum beats a frazzled 'supermum' any day.
- Your baby does not have to look like a 'picture
book' baby at all times. By the time they
are crawling most babies look grubby most of the time.
They don't care and neither should you.
- Soft as a baby's bottom may not apply
to your baby's
bottom! I had tried every lotion
on the market and visited a doctor twice
about my baby's recurring nappy rash before
I found the magic cure. It was getting
his bottom absolutely dry before putting
on a clean nappy! Unbelievable simple and
effective. It may not work for your baby's
nappy rash but it is worth a try
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