Stress can occur in various
levels and be triggered by numerous issues. Here are some
points you may consider when attempting to understand
and cope with stress.
we lose sight of our priorities. What you really want
or need. If you are unable to readilly identify what
your goals are it becomes easy for annoyances in life
to turn into causes of stress. For example if you find
your job is giving you stress, realising that your work
allows you to take care of your family then you may not
be so worried about insignificant dramas in the workplace
as it is serving a valuable purpose in your life overall.
Try to always be mentally present
where you are physically present. That is try not to let
distractions interfere with the job at hand. This will
enable tasks to be completed on time thus reducing a possible
cause of stress.
Switch Off Point
Identify an escape point.
When you start to feel overwhelmed take a break. Just a
short stroll around the office or a couple of minutes of
looking out a window can break into your pattern to help
you re-focus your attention. Much like driving a car sometimes
you need to stop and revive.
Say No
Possibly the single most important
skill to possess. Leaning to say no constructively helps
you to balance your work load. You also need to identify
what you want to say yes to.
Love what you do
It is important to love what
you do. If you don't have a job you love then try to love
the job you have. Identify the things you do like about
it and try to concentrate on the positives.
Me Time
Try to set aside 20 minutes
of every day to be by yourself. This time can be a time
of reflection or just some time to sit down somewhere quiet.
You could also use this time to exercise.
Adjust your schedule
Expand you daily diary. Try
to schedule holidays, events and personal time over the
following month or more. This lets you see more clearly
how much time to devote to yourself so you achieve a better
work/life balance.  |