employers recognise that at any stage in an employees
life, circumstances can arise which may result in the
need or desire for flexible of alternate work practices
to be negotiated.
FamilyBiz has developed this
toolkit to assist people to manage the negotiation and
implementation of new working conditions.
to Consider
about why you want or need to work alternatively
There are many reasons why
people want or need to adopt alternate or flexible work
practices. Reasons may include; to study, to care for sick
or elderly family members, to spend time with children,
to care for young children or babies, health, nearing retirement
or simply for a life style change. It is important when
developing and presenting your proposal that you clearly
communicate your reasons to your manager as it may help
to formulate a mutually beneficial solution.
here for a template to assist you in developing a
proposal [pdf]
What is my career strategy?
Before discussing or negotiating
any change to your current work practices it is important
to think about developing a clear and concise "Career
This involves thinking about answers to a series of key
questions all designed to start you thinking about where you
want your career to go and how you are going to
achieve your goal. As your personal and career circumstances
change you may need to evaluate or review your strategy.
