
You're a 45 + person with an established career and years
of solid work experience. You may be more financially secure
and if you have children, they may be off your hands a
little more now so you may time to devote to your career.
Then one day, someone tries to tell you to that because
you're 45+ your career is at a stand still? Sound familiar?
The world of work and life in Australia is changing. According
to the Australian Bureau of Statistics; the labour force
is projected to age dramatically with over 80% of the labour
force growth occurring in the 45 years and over age group.
With our ageing population, declining birth and workforce
participation rates, its good news in the labour market
for those in their 40's. So what do you do if you feel
you've hit a career snag?
Depending on your individual circumstances, you might
like to consider talking with your Manager first. If possible;
Identify positions or other roles within the company
that interest you. Is there a role that you always
wanted to do but you never quite made it down that
career path? Have you let people know?
Discuss with your Manager what roles he/she feels
may suit your current skills, experience, strengths
and work style.
Discuss with your Manager or Human Resource Representative
what you need to do to position yourself for a
new role/career path and how you are going to get
Consider exploring a variety of career development
options with your Manager.
Consider any possible obstacles or challenges
that may prevent you from heading down a particular
career path.
Talk to someone about your career- A career coach,
human resource or internal recruitment representative
may be able to assist you or give you advice about
how to overcome any possible career obstacles.
Update your current skills or acquire new skills
(IT, technical or interpersonal). Consider if you
need to undertake study or additional units in
your degree.
- Consider if there is an option to
transfer or relocate internally to another state or country
that will give you new career and life experiences.
Consider finding a mentor or business coach who
may be able to assist you with career or business
Consider learning new things and moving out your
career comfort zone.
Continue to drive your career and maintain your
Keep up with the latest developments in your
Consider a career assessment- Do you know what
motivates you, what skills you prefer to use, what
environments you really like to work in and what
your perceived career barriers may be?
Look at the perception that you may create to
others. Is there anything that you can do to change
the perception that people may have of you?
Look at your health and wellbeing. Do you feel
older or look older than your years? Are you in
good physical shape? Are you maintaining your personal
presentation in workplace?
- Continue to be open minded to change
and display this approach in the workplace.
In life there will always be people who display bias towards
others because of certain factors, and for some its age.
The truth is that in Australia retirement figures are set to escalate over the
next 5 to 10, so for the 40 something's you just might find that age is on your
